Increasing Engagement on Instagram with Comment Groups

You’ve probably heard of Instagram comment groups by now, but if you haven’t, they’re groups that are made in an Instagram direct message group for up to 15 people. You have to follow everyone that’s a part of the group, and each time someone from the group posts something, you have to like it and comment on it.

I’ve been a part of a few, and they’re a really great tool to use to increase your engagement if they’re done RIGHT. If you’re wondering how you can use these groups to your advantage, check out my tips below.

Create a group with people in your niche.
I find that these groups work the best when they’re made up of people in your niche. I used to be a part of a group that was full of completely random people – mom bloggers, authors, and more. I just didn’t connect with anyone at all because our backgrounds were so different, so I felt that any comment that I left on other people’s images just wasn’t genuine. I eventually wasn’t motivated to participate, so I ended up leaving the group. However, I’m now a part of an AMAZING group (shout out to you, ladies!) full of other social media consultants, web designers, branding coaches, and more – and I LOVE it. I thoroughly enjoy seeing these ladies’ posts and engaging with them!

Be active.
You get what you give. If you’re not commenting on other people’s posts, they won’t comment on yours when you send them. Make sure you’re commenting on every post that gets sent in, and make sure that you’re sending in posts yourself! I try to post on Instagram 5-7 times a week, so each time I post a picture, I know I’ll get likes and comments on it. Not only will you get more likes and comments from sending your pictures more often, but you’ll also get more engagement from your actual feed from being active on Instagram in general.

Look to see who else is commenting on your group members’ photos.
I’ve found some really great accounts to follow just by looking at who else is commenting on my group members’ photos! You’ll end up finding more accounts that are in your niche, so follow them and engage with them. Chances are they’ll follow you back and bring even more engagement to your account. Plus, who DOESN’T love looking at pretty Instagram feeds?!

I’ve definitely found a big increase in engagement since starting these groups, which is why I actually just joined another! Have you joined an Instagram comment group before?

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