How to Get Sales from Facebook Groups
If your business isn’t a part of any Facebook groups, you’re missing an opportunity to connect with your ideal clients or customers and reach audiences that are much larger than your own. Think about it: how many times have you gone to your town or city’s Facebook group and have constantly seen members asking for recommendations for landscapers, bakeries, real estate agents, and more? People constantly turn to these communities for advice, so it’s best to jump on these opportunities when you can and build your brand awareness.
Follow the steps below for getting sales from Facebook groups.
Provide Value First
If you approach a Facebook group with a hard sell right off the bat, with no one knowing who you are, you’re not going to get the results you’re looking for. As is standard in business, people need to feel like they know you, like you, and trust you before they hand you their money, so it’s important to build that credibility in these Facebook groups before being salesy.
What does providing value look like?
- Providing referrals when you can
- Answering questions when someone needs help
- Sharing tips that the community will find to be beneficial
If you ask yourself the question, “How can I serve this group?” you’ll be taking the right approach.
And here’s something important to remember: you don’t need to be creating brand new content to publish in these groups (unless you’d like to, of course). You can take the social media posts that you’ve been publishing on your own profiles and repurpose them in these groups. Just make sure that you’re not posting the same post in ten different groups on the same day–rotate through the posts you publish and the groups you publish them in.
SEE MORE: 7 Steps for Becoming a Thought Leader in Facebook Groups and Landing More Clients
Engage with Others
Success in Facebook groups is a two-way street. Posting in the group alone won’t bring you tons of traction–it’s important to engage with others, too. Any time you see a post where you can leave a valuable, authentic comment, do it. The more you do it, the more people will see your name over and over again, therefore helping to stick in their mind who you are and what you do.
Never force a comment, though–if you’re leaving a comment that feels like a stretch on a post, you probably shouldn’t be commenting in the first place. Ultimately, don’t comment just to comment–comment when you have something valuable to share or provide.
Be Consistent
As with everything in marketing, consistency is crucial. You can’t post once in a blue moon and expect people to flock to you. Show up on a consistent basis and spend time interacting and posting in these groups. To make it easier to remember to do this, set up a recurring task in your project management system to remind you to engage in groups. The good news is that the more you start to engage in these groups, the more you’ll naturally start to see posts from these groups in your feed, thanks to Facebook’s algorithm–making it convenient for you to interact while you’re already scrolling through.
Out of all of these, and like anything in marketing, the most important thing to remember is that results take time. Keep showing up, analyzing what’s working in groups and what isn’t for you, and making an effort, and your work will pay off.
totally agree with all of these 🙂 great way to connect, build network and meet new people!
I definitely think you need to engage and interact consistently in Facebook groups if you want to build up strong relationships and genuine connections. It take time and effort!
I’ve found it hard in the past to really connect with people in Facebook groups but maybe it’s because I’m just not being consistent enough! Thanks for the (free) advice! 🙂
Yes, I love connecting in FB groups. It’s the best.
I’ve met some amazing blogger friends through Facebook groups! They’re awesome!
Greta | http://www.gretahollar.com
I totally agree that asking questions and answering others’ questions is a great way to forge relationships with other creatives in FB groups.
Being active and engaging is so huge! I have met some of my best blogging friends in Facebook groups!
All so true! And I personally know how amazing you are at all of this! <3
Wonderful tips Ashley, I totally agree with the being active thing! I recognize all the bloggers I engage with on a daily basis and I’m more likely to click on their content than people I’ve never seen before!
I’m definitely guilty of not being active enough when it comes to these Facebook groups. Thanks for the advice.
I need to look into finding more Facebook groups!
Facebook has been one of the social media sites that I have been struggling with! These are such great tips!
Amy | <a href="http://www.pastelnpink.com">Pastel N Pink</a>
These are great tips! Facebook groups have helped me so much in growing my blog, and they’re great for forming community too!
Stephanie | http://www.stephanietherese.com
Great advice. So true that you get what you give!