Why Social Media is a Key Part of Your Sales Strategy

Sometimes business owners get so focused on incorporating PR, paid ads, SEO, email marketing, and more to their sales strategy that they completely forget about social media. Although all of these components are important to include, social media should absolutely not be forgotten.

If you’re wondering why you need to include social media, let me give you these three reasons.

1️⃣ It will build relationships with your customer base.

Social media is NOT about sales—it’s about RELATIONSHIPS. When you build relationships with your customer base on social media, they start to know, like, and trust you. People do business with people that they know, like, and trust. If you’re able to focus on cultivating those relationships, people will begin to know, like, and trust you. Once they really feel comfortable with you, they’ll buy from you. It’s as simple as that.

2️⃣ Your target market exists on at least ONE social media platform.

I’ve mentioned before that you don’t need to be on every single social media platform, but your target market resides in at least one platform. Because of this, you SHOULD be on social media or else you have an untapped outlet that could be costing you sales!

3️⃣ It connects to all of the other parts of the sales strategy.

Have you ever realized that social media relates to every other part of the sales strategy? You may not think that’s possible, but here’s how it is. Social media helps with PR because you’re able to share any newsworthy announcements that will put your brand in good light. Social media helps with ads because Facebook has a great ad system to land you warm leads. Social media helps with SEO because Google crawls your social media platforms and your posts will appear on the search engine. Social media helps to grow your email list because you can promote your opt-in through it. Social media helps with blogging because you can promote new posts to drive traffic to your website.

Now do you believe that social media is important for your sales strategy? If you have these other parts in place but not social media, you need to start including social media as well to make your strategy as effective and successful as possible.

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