4 Marketing Strategies to Test in 2023

With endless opportunities ahead of you, a new year is the perfect time to reevaluate your marketing strategy to determine what’s working and should be kept in the plan, understand what isn’t working and should be scaled back, and think about new approaches that you can implement moving forward.

If you’re wondering where you should begin for your company, check out these marketing tactics that can help your brand grow this year — most of which aren’t “new” ideas but may be new to your strategy!

2023 Marketing Strategies

Live and Pre-Recorded Videos

You’ve likely been hearing about the importance of video in your marketing for several years now — and there’s a reason why that’s the case. According to HubSpot’s State of Video Marketing report, people spend an average of 19 hours per week watching videos online, which is nearly double what the amount was in 2018.

Between the rise of TikTok and the continuous growth of YouTube, platforms are prioritizing and favoring video content more than ever through a mix of live and pre-recorded videos. However, that doesn’t mean your brand needs to invest in a videographer for every single video you produce — sometimes, it’s that off-the-cuff, in-the-moment content that resonates with your audience the most and performs the best. Social media expert Bob Cargill is an excellent example of how you can create short, consumable, interesting videos with just a mobile device and an editing app.

Videos can be used to share:

  • Staff introductions
  • Quick tips
  • Excerpts of longer webinars / workshops

Don’t shy away from trying something new with video — it may end up being your best work yet.

Blog Content

With new social media platforms that are popping up left and right as well as several influencers and creators who are taking over those spaces, the urge to use a social media profile as your “home base” without setting up shop anywhere else is real. But remember, you do not own your Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Pinterest account — the platform owns it, which means you’re at their mercy.


Setting up a website that you have full control over is important now more than ever, especially as your company starts to gain more traction online, and with that website comes a blog. In our opinion, anyone who claims that “blogging is dead” isn’t using it to its full potential! There are a lot of untapped opportunities with blogging, and blogging consistently can:

  • Increase your website traffic
  • Improve your SEO
  • Help you to monetize your site
  • Establish thought leadership

With any content that you create on a social media platform, be sure to back it up on a website and blog.


Do you enjoy listening to podcasts to learn something new, be entertained, or pass the time while commuting? If you haven’t thought about tapping into podcasting for your business yet, this is an opportunity that awaits you this year.

Interesting podcast statistics, as shared by Buzzsprout:

  • Podcasting experienced unprecedented growth during COVID
  • 26% of Americans are weekly podcast listeners
  • 80% of listeners listen to all or most of every podcast episode they start

Starting a podcast around a topic you specialize in is an excellent way to build a community, position yourself as an expert, and attract new potential clients or customers to your brand. Plus, when you bring on guests who promote the show, you’re expanding your audience and tapping into other markets.

Do you have a lot of information that you want to share about what you do? Launching a podcast may be a great medium for communicating your expertise.

Multiple Customer Touch Points

In this day and age with people seeing thousands of ads per day, it’s crucial to be leveraging several marketing channels to engage your audience and ensure you’re keeping them informed and providing value every step of the way. That means you can’t rely only on social media for your brand and expect that to be enough, but rather, develop a well-rounded marketing strategy that incorporates many pieces of the puzzle.

Additionally, you’ll want to pay close attention to the customer journey and understand where your customers are within it, what they need at each stage, and how you can push them to keep moving along. The more they feel seen, heard, and supported by you, the more likely they are to purchase from you.

Revamping Your Marketing Strategy

Although there are many tactics to consider in the coming year for your company’s marketing strategy, these will help you to get off the ground. Remember that what works for another company may not work for you — so don’t be tempted to try something just because it seems like everyone else is doing it. On the other hand, don’t shy away from trying something new just because it seems like no one else is doing it — that could be your opportunity to set yourself apart and make a splash in the market!

As with everything, be sure to track your analytics. If something is tanking after a few months, that may be your sign to fade it out. On the other hand, if something is performing exceedingly well, ramp things up a bit!

Looking for support with developing your marketing strategy this year? Request a consultation with us to find out how we can help you achieve your goals.

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