Creating Branded Photos

A major part of creating a cohesive brand consists of creating branded photos. Making sure that your photos all align with your brand’s color palette will allow your website and social media accounts to look clear and clean.

For each blog post I write, I create an image using a template that I have in Canva so that all of my photos are cohesive. This ends up saving me a TON of time because all I have to do is copy the template over, replace the image, and write the text – easy, peasy, lemon squeezy! Don’t know how to create a branded photo? Follow these THREE things that you need to include in your template.

Photo element
I use a photo element to insert an image onto the template so I don’t have to keep resizing the image I want to use to fit the template. All you have to do in Canva is upload the photo, hover it over the element, and then it automatically fits into the dimensions of the image with NO resizing required!

Blog post title + website
At the bottom of the post, write in your blog post title and include your website. Your blog post title will entice people to want to read the post when seeing it on social media. Including your website link is beneficial for two reasons: people can’t steal your photo and people know where to find the blog post that the photo mentions!

Brand color
Part of my (new) brand color palette is light pink and white – which is why I made sure that the text includes those colors. It’s important to make sure that all of the colors that you use align to keep things consistent.

I’ve noticed that after really focusing on my branded photos for my blog posts, the number of views my posts get has actually increased! And it’s even better that it literally takes me two minutes to actually make each photo thanks to the template I have ready. How do you create your branded photos?


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